But lawyers for the convicts Mukesh (26), Vinay Sharma (20), Pawan Gupta (19) and Akshay Thakur (28) pleaded before the fast track court which held them guilty yesterday for leniency citing Mahatma Gandhi's famous quote that "Only God can give life and only He has the right to take it away"
At the conclusion of the three-hour long arguments, Additional Sessions Judge Yogesh Khanna reserved for Friday afternoon its order on sentence against the convicts who were held guilty yesterday of gangrape, murder, unnatural sex and robbery and other offences which can fetch them death.
"Reformation of people like these..I do not think there is any chance," Special Public Prosecutor Dayan Krishnan said while arguing on the quantum of sentence.
Advancing his arguments, Krishnan said death sentence should be awarded to the four convicts as the case falls in the category of "rarest of rare" cases.
Pointing out the nature of crime as 'rarest of rare', he said the convicts had raped and killed a young helpless girl, even as she pleaded for her life and "none among the six were moved by the girl's incessant cries for mercy.