Special CBI judge JPS Malik sentenced Lt Col (Retd) PRS Rao, Deputy Director in the office of the Deputy Director General of Ordinance Services (Inventory and Budget), AK Sharma, the then Assistant Audit Officer in the office of the Director General of Audit (Defence Services), and IB Uppal, who retired from Indian Army in 1991.
The trio was held guilty of having caused a loss of Rs 7,31,95,480 to the government.
The nine other accused, among whom were senior auditors, accounts officers and clerks in the office of the Controller of Defence Accounts (CDA), were discharged from the case in 2005 by the court.
The court noted that Uppal had retired from the Army in 1991 but did not surrender his identity card so that he could gain easy access to defence establishments.
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He raised bogus bills by posing as the proprietor of certain firms like M/s SriKrishna Enterprises, Rishi Enterprises, which were forwarded by Rao to the CDA section concerned for clearance.
The court convicted Uppal for cheating and criminal conspiracy under IPC and also under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act.
Rao, too, was convicted under similar provisions as Uppal.
Sharma was convicted under the Prevention of Corruption Act.