Ali Al-Timimi of Fairfax was the spiritual leader for a group of northern Virginia Muslims who played paintball to train for holy war. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for exhorting some of them to join the Taliban and fight against the US after the September 11 attacks. Several of them got as far as Pakistan, training with a militant group called Lashkar-e-Taiba.
At the meeting, al-Awlaki purportedly tried to get al-Timimi's help in recruiting men for jihad, but al-Timimi rejected him. Al-Timimi's lawyer, Jonathan Turley, said government documentation of the meeting would refute the case made at trial by prosecutors that al-Timimi was urging Muslims to fight. They also say it would show that al-Timimi had been in the government's crosshairs back in 2002, which would have contradicted other testimony that the government did not begin investigating al-Timimi until 2003.
He had contact with some of the September 11 hijackers, and in years after the 2001 attacks emerged as a top al-Qaida leader before being killed in a drone strike in 2011. There has been debate as to whether al-Awlaki hid long-held al-Qaida sympathies in his time in the US or radicalised after leaving the years after September 11.
Prosecutors say they've turned over everything required of them. In court papers and at yesterday's hearing, they gave no information on whether al-Awlaki may have been an informant. Instead, they say they are only obligated to turn over information that would assist the defence, and said the law gives prosecutors the discretion to make that determination.
The law "does not entitle any defendant to the disclosure of the extent and nature of the government's investigative tools or tactics simply because he suspects that materials are in the government's possession that might prove interesting to him," prosecutor Gordon Kromberg wrote.