Shortly after IPL Chairman Rajeev Shukla demanded that Srinivasan "disassociate" from the inquiry against his son-in-law and Chennai Super Kings Team in the wake of IPL spot-fixing scandal, the BCCI chief told reporters that Shukla has not suggested anything new and was only voicing what he had himself said on Sunday.
"I saw Mr Shukla's interview. What he says is that this commission has been appointed and I should disassociate myself from the procedure as stated in Kolkata when I did the Press Conference.
Srinivasan said, "I have nothing to do with the commission. It is independent. Under the operational powers, they have powers to sanction and impose punishment. So, we will just await the results."
Asked about demands for his resignation from BCCI office-bearers like Jyotiraditya Scindia and Hyderabad Cricket Association President G Vinod,, Srinivasan said, "I will not reply to individual reactions."
A three-member BCCI inquiry committee is probing Meiyappan and the spot-fixing allegations against three Rajasthan Royals players and its franchise as well as the Chennai Super Kings.
Justice T Jayaram Chouta, former Judge of the Karnataka and Madras High Courts, Justice R Balasubramanian, former Judge of the Madras High Court, and BCCI Secretary Sanjay Jagdale are members of the Commission.