"The total original cost of six central projects in Meghalaya was Rs 7108.02 crore and the anticipated completion cost is Rs 9,025 crore implying a cost overrun of Rs 1,916.98 crore," an official told PTI here today after a review of the progress of these projects by Union Minister of Statistics and Programme Implementation D V Sadananda Gowda on Thursday.
Rs 6000 crore was earmarked for construction of the 108 km railway line connecting Shillong with the rest of the country by 2021, the official said.
Gowda, he said, directed Meghalaya Chief Secretary Y Tsering to convene regular meetings of the Central sector Project Co-ordination Commitee (CSPCC) to resolve problems faced by the central PSUs in the state and for timely completion of the projects.
Gowda today went on a site inspection at the North Eastern Indira Gandhi Institute of Health and Medical Sciences where the construction of the regional cancer centee, the medical college Building, the hostel and nursing college is on.
The total project cost is approximately Rs 280 crore.
The union minister, who ended his two day visit to Meghalaya to hold a review meeting of railways, national highways, health, steel and arts and culture ministries, also attended a public meeting on Swachch Bharat Abhiyan at Umsning town during the day.
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