Swaraj India on Friday declared Manju Yadav as its candidate from Bijwasan constituency for the coming Assembly polls in Delhi.
The party's executive president, Ajit Jha, said social activists, women, youth and other persons having strong ground connect will be fielded in the Assembly polls.
Addressing a meeting in south-west Delhi's Bijwasan area, Jha named Yadav, a social activist, as Swaraj India candidate for the constituency.
Devinder Sehrawat won Bijwasan constituency in the 2015 assembly polls on an AAP ticket. However, he was disqualified as MLA by the Delhi Assembly Speaker under the anti-defection law.
Swaraj India was founded in 2016 by Yogendra Yadav after his separation and fall out with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and its chief Arvind Kejriwal.
The party will contest the Assembly polls keenly with putting forward "Swaraj" model of solving problems faced by Delhi, said Jaiveer Singh, Delhi unit president of Swaraj India.