Speaking at the special session of Delhi Assembly, Singh said that "on April 28, I got a call from a resident of my area that an MCD officer has come to demolish a property. When I reached there I found that a junior engineer (JE) was present but he was not having demolition order. I called the police and informed the matter to them. Even the SHO of the area assured me of action against the JE.
"I, along with the property owner and other residents of the area, waited till late night at the police station to register the FIR but no action was taken. A day later, I got to know that police have registered a case against me and the property-owner."
On the day of the incident, Azhar Mustafa, a junior engineer of South Delhi Municipal Corporation, had alleged that he had gone to Krishna Park area to demolish an illegal construction when local residents led by the MLA obstructed him.
Singh alleged that Delhi police are taking action on the order given by BJP-led central government. He asked the Assembly to take cognizance in the case.
Ordering an inquiry into the matter, Speaker Ram Niwas Goel said "I understand the pain of an MLA who is first declared as absconding by the police and then he has to go approach court for the relief. This incident can happen to anyone. I ask the privilege committee of the Assembly to investigate the case and table a report before me.