The Delhi BJP office wore a festive look, as party workers led by SC Morcha members danced to the tunes to drumbeats and distributed sweets on victory of Kovind.
Tiwari who joined festivities at Pant Marg office, after congratulating Kovind, said "Deen Dayal Upadhyay's dream of Antyodaya has come true today. BJP has also materialised its slogan of Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas by getting a Dalit's son elected as president of the country."
"It was symbolic celebration at Valmiki temple as the party had linked Kovind's election with Dalit pride," said Delhi BJP media incharge Praveen Shankar Kapoor.
Union minister Harsh Vardhan along with other party leaders and workers assembled at the memorial of B R Ambedkar at 26, Alipur Road, and celebrated the victory.
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