With the state election likely to be held in November, she earmarked Rs 10,359 crore for social services sector, which is a whopping 65 per cent of the total plan outlay of Rs 16,000 crore.
Recognising the "critical role" played by unorganised sector labourers to make others' lives comfortable, she announced a new co-contributory pension scheme 'Dilli Swavalamban Yojana' to "bring succour" to such employees.
"We will make DSY Aadhar-linked and also ensure universal coverage," she said.
Explaining that the beneficiaries of 'differently-abled persons' scheme get lower amount when they are transferred under the 'pensions to senior citizens' scheme, Dikshit proposed monthly pension of Rs 1,500 to the beneficiaries of both the schemes.
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"Differently-abled persons and women in distress get enhanced financial assistance of Rs 1,500 per month. On attaining 60 years of age, the beneficiaries of these two schemes are transferred to pension to senior citizens scheme.
Laying special stress on the transgender community, the budget proposed financial support of Rs 1,000 per month for them in the budget.
"The transgender community are amongst the most vulnerable sections of our society. We propose to provide financial support of Rs 1,000 per month to those transgender who are living in Delhi for at least three years," Dikhsit announced.
Listing the state government's success in launching of new plan programmes of Dilli Annshree Yojana, Dikhsit said Rs 600 per month has been transferred to 31,617 beneficiaries of this scheme until now and that the ones left would be covered by July 31.