The Service Department of the Delhi government had on January 29 issued the transfer order of Chief Secretary's Officer-o n-Special Duty (OSD) Ramvir Singh and placed his services at the disposal of the Gopal Subramanium Commission of Inquiry which is probing the alleged irregularities in the Delhi District Cricket Association (DDCA) affairs.
In his order issued yesterday, the Chief Secretary (CS) said, "Services Department has issued the order of transfer of such an important functionary of the office of Chief Secretary without seeking prior and formal permission of the Chief Secretary."
"Delhi Chief Secretary, as the official head of civil administration, has to perform multifarious functions and it is imperative that his office functions smoothly and efficiently. Now therefore, the undersigned is of the considered view that any change of incumbent in the post of OSD to CS at this stage is unwarranted.
"And I therefore hereby order cancellation of the order (transfer of Ramvir Singh) with immediate effect," Sharma said in his order.
The action was taken against Yashpal Garg, Special Secretary (Prosecution), and Subhash Chandra, after they refused to sign a file pertaining to the Cabinet decision to increase salary of public prosecutors.