"The consumers of Delhi will now receive 9W LED bulbs under the Government of India's Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA) scheme," Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) said in a statement.
Ujala scheme is being implemented by EESL, a joint venture of leading PSUs under the administration of Ministry of Power.
The distribution of the new bulbs will begin from first week of next month. The 7W LED bulbs, that were distributed as a part of this scheme earlier will no longer be available for sale. But the consumers who face any technical issues with the 7W bulbs can get them replaced with fresh 7W LEDs from dedicated replacement centres, the statement said.
EESL Managing Director Saurabh Kumar said, "With the procurement of 9W LED bulbs EESL felt that Delhi should also get the opportunity to avail these 9W superior LED bulbs. I would urge all those people who have not yet taken the benefit of this scheme to come forward and do so till the scheme is active.