Replying to an impromptu discussion on Sunday's incident, Shinde said he agreed with the views expressed by members and promised to take necessary steps to ensure safety of women in Delhi.
He said four persons out of the six accused have already been arrested and further investigations are on.
Promising to take steps for ensuring safety of women in Delhi where law and order is under the direct control of the Union Home Ministry, Shinde said a special task force headed by the Home Secretary will be constituted to look into suggestions made by members in this regard.
He said all roads will be covered by PCR vans at night and specific routes used by women working in BPOs and call centres will be identified for increased patrolling by police.
Shinde said Delhi Police has issued orders to BPOs and other organisations to ensure that their women staff working in evening shifts are dropped at their doorstep. Besides, three helpline services for women would be launched.
He also mentioned that a Criminal Law Amendment Bill for dealing with sexual offences has already been introduced in Lok Sabha which seeks to enhance punishment for such crimes.
"I will inquire into this case. I shall take action," he assured the House when members questioned him as to what action had been taken by the Home Ministry so far against Delhi Police personnel in this particular case. (MORE)