Delhi Transport Minister Gopal Rai said that government has installed CCTV cameras at the station to keep a strict vigil on the staff distributing CNG stickers and if any irregularities are found, strict action will be taken.
"Since the allegations emerged that irregularities are being adopted in the distribution of CNG stickers, government has started close monitoring of the CNG station from Friday.
"An official of Indraprastha Gas Limited has been suspended and government has registered an FIR against him for indulging in malpractice," Rai told PTI.
In the middle of CM's speech, Prakash stood up, asking what the government has done about a sting he had carried out on Friday in which he had allegedly caught the staff of the CNG station at CGO complex selling CNG stickers for Rs 1,000.
Under the odd-even scheme, it is required for CNG-run cars for having such stickers to get exemption from the road-rationing plan starting from April 15.