Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said the government will submit an affidavit before the Delhi High court tomorrow on the issue. He said the site of the depot may be converted into a park.
Environmental groups have been demanding the dismantling of the depot, saying it will adversely affect the river Yamuna and the eco-system surrounding it.
"Till now, the government's stand on the issue had been that the land use is O zone and it should be changed into transport zone. But today, we decided to shift the DTC millennium bus depot from the banks of Yamuna and Lt Governor is very happy with our decision," Kejriwal said.
The Chief Minister said the government will seek time from the court to find a new location for the depot.
The decision was taken at a meeting Kejriwal had with various stakeholders including Transport Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, Chief Secretary S K Srivastava and officials from DDA, DTC and DJB.
Convenor of Jiye Yamuna Abhiyan Manoj Misra alleged the bus depot was constructed on the river bed in violation of all laws of the land. He said this aspect was even highlighted by the PM-appointed Shunglu Committee that had probed alleged irregularities in CWG projects.