Delhi Transport Minister Sayendar Jain said the government has decided to inspect all registered manufacturers in the city supplying CNG fuel kits and thereafter, it will revoke its ban on retrofitting of such kits.
Last week, the Transport Department had issued an order banning the retrofitting of CNG kits in "in-use" cars in the view of some manufacturers supplying "unapproved and uncertified" equipment.
"We recently received a complaint that some manufacturers are supplying unapproved and uncertified CNG fuel kits. Thereafter we banned the retrofitting of these kits in 'in-use' cars. Department officials also checked offices of six registered manufacturers and found most of them to be operating in a single room.
On June 20, the department had directed its motor licensing officers (MLOs) not to register vehicles that have been retrofitted with CNG kits till further orders.
"There were allegations that some CNG kit manufacturers are supplying unapproved/uncertified and sub-standard CNG kits for retrofitting in the in-use vehicles, thus cheating the vehicle owners by charging them prices of original kits.
"In this connection, all MLOs are hereby directed not to endorse CNG fuel in vehicle registration certificates till further orders," the department had said in its order.