The Delhi government on Friday directed officials concerned to intensify field inspections to ensure that there is no hoarding, black marketing and profiteering of onions in the city, a statement stated.
Food and Civil Supplies Minister Imran Hussain issued directions to his department and agencies concerned at a review meeting here in this regard.
At present, the government has been selling onions at Rs 23.90 per kg at 390 ration shops and 70 mobile vans in the city as the retail prices in Delhi-NCR has shot up as high as Rs 60 to Rs 80 per kg.
At the meeting on Friday, Hussain observed that the general public is showing keen interest in the purchase of onions through designated Fair Price Shops (FPS) and mobile vans, the statement said.
The minister directed to ensure that the wholesalers, middlemen, commissioned agents should not take advantage of the current onion situation and there is a need to constantly watch their market activities for checking any irregular or unusual activities such as hoarding, black marketing and profiteering, it said.
The enforcement teams of the department will also check the implementation of stock limits prescribed for the onion and violators may strictly be proceeded against as per provisions of law, it added.