Secretary-cum-Divisional Commissioner Gyanesh Bharti directed the officials to ensure that the roads and passages from the main thoroughfares to the ghats are properly levelled and given a complete facelift ahead of Chhath on Oct. 29.
He directed the three municipal corporations in the city to ensure 24-hour sanitation and the sprinkling of insecticides at the Chhath puja sites and areas along with the removal of garbage.
"Mobile dispensaries should be properly stationed so that they can be used in case any devotee needs first-aid and medical attention," Bharti said.
Irrigation and Flood Control officials have been asked to place barricades at a safe distance in the water from the river bank. They were also directed to ensure round-the-clock availability of motorboats and divers.
The power distribution companies have been asked to ensure proper public lighting from the main road to the ghats and in the ghat area itself.
Bharti directed revenue officials to ensure proper co-ordination with Delhi Police to ensure the safety of the devotees.