"The objective was to make these agencies aware of the provisions of the Delhi Private Placement Agencies (Regulation) Order, 2014 which will be placed in Delhi Assembly soon and made into a law as per court directions," said DCW chairperson Barkha Shukla Singh.
The new set of rules makes it mandatory for agencies to not only register themselves but also keep a registry of all domestic helps employed through them.
"It is a matter of serious concern that women are clandestinely brought to Delhi and then sold as house maids for hefty amounts where they are exploited and made to work for long hours and even devoid them of basic facilities like lodging, boarding and their monthly salaries. In some cases these domestic workers are obnoxiously pushed into flesh trade," said Singh.
The Executive Order aims to deter such placement agencies which involve in exploiting women in the name of providing work as domestic helps in return of huge monetary benefits.
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"It is also mandatory to pay salaries in bank accounts of domestic helps who have to open it under Jan Dhan Yojna to avoid any fishy tactics by the employers and the agencies.
Under the act, every placement agency will have to issue identity card to every domestic worker and maintain a register which shows their exact status.
In case the agencies do not adhere to the provisions of the act they would be penalized by way of cancellation of their licenses and necessary action would also be initiated as per the provisions of the proposed law.