Delhi Lt Governor Anil Baijal on Tuesday asked district magistrates to use latest technology like drones and hi-tech cameras to ensure strict compliance in COVID-19 containment zones in the national capital.
Baijal, who chaired a high-level meeting attended by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and other top officials, observed that the enforcement within the containment zones will determine the overall outbreak situation as he urged the district administration to put in their best efforts.
"The lieutenant governor also directed for a regular disinfection and cleanliness of the containment zones on war footing. DMs and DCPs were directed to ensure that supply of essentials is maintained in the containment zones," an official statement stated.
It said that Baijal directed district magistrates (DMs) and deputy commissioners of police (DCPs) to ensure effective compliance of social distancing and strict vigil at vulnerable places like agricultural markets, night shelters, food distribution centres, all shops of essentials items, mother dairy and medical shops.
On Tuesday, the total number of coronavirus cases in the national capital rose to 2,156, with 75 new cases and no fresh deaths reported.
Of the total number of 47 deaths reported till date, 25 of the deceased were aged 60 and above, making over 53 per cent of the total death cases.