The figures, released by the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), takes a comprehensive look at the benefits that the rapidly growing network has provided to the residents of the capital.
CRRI arrived at the savings figure of Rs 10,364 crore by taking into account cost savings in terms of less fuel consumption, less pollution, time and fuel saved due to decongestion among others.
In absolute terms, the annual reduction in fuel consumption has been recorded at 2.76 lakh tonnes against the corresponding 2011 and 2007 figures of 1.6 lakh tonnes and 24,691 tonnes respectively.
The annual reduction in level of pollutants is also stark with the figure being recorded at 5,77,148 tonnes in 2014 as opposed to 1,79,613 tonnes in 2011.
Metro has also brought down the time taken in travelling by 32 minutes while reducing the number of fatal accidents by 125 as opposed to 111, and 21 in 2011 and 2007 respectively, the CRRI study, based on the Metro's daily average ridership of 27 lakh, says.