The Delhi Police's Crime Branch has arrested two men from Rudrapur in Uttarakhand and recovered over three Kg gold worth Rs 1.25 crore that they had allegedly stolen from a jewellery store they worked at, police said on Monday.
The accused -- Aman Kumar, (25) and Sagar (20), are natives of Uttar Pradesh and were nabbed on July 27, they said.
During search, two gold biscuits were recovered from them while another 16 were seized from the house of their relative, police said.
According to police, a jeweller reported on July 12 that Sagar, Kuldeep, Aman and Vishal, who worked at his shop, had taken away approximately 4.8 kg gold from him surreptitiously.
During interrogation, Kumar disclosed that after he suffered loss in his business, he and his brother Kuldeep came to Delhi in April this year and started working at a jewellery shop in Karol Bagh with the help of his relatives Sagar and Vishal, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime) Rajesh Deo said.
At the jewellery shop, he along with Vishal, Sagar and Kuldeep used to bring gold from Guwahati and Kolkata, the officer said.
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For earning quick bucks, the accused stole 30 gold biscuits from the jewellery shop, the officer added.
After the incident, he tried to dispose of the gold biscuits but was arrested by the police, the DCP said.
Sagar had taken admission for MBA course at a university in Moradabad last year but due to poor financial condition, he left his studies and started working at the jewellery shop, the police said.