The accused, identified as Ravi Singh and Yash Raj Anand, were arrested by the staff of New Delhi district after a complaint was received in this regard from the US embassy.
On March 19, Ravi Singh had applied for a non-immigrant visa at the United States Embassy in New Delhi.
"As part of the visa application process, he submitted his application wherein he claimed to work for True Mark Tower and Infrastructure Limited, located at A-891 GD Colony, Mayur Vihar III, New Delhi.
However during interview with Embassy officials, Singh stated that he does not work for 'True Mark Tower and Infrastructure Limited'. He also revealed that he was given the letterhead of the company by an individual named Yash Raj Anand at the New Delhi Railway Station.
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Following the complaint, Singh and Anand, the main agent who used to send the needy people on forged documents to US, were arrested.
Anand disclosed that he along with other co-accused used to prepare fake supporting documents and fill the DS-160 form of passengers besides training them for the interview.