Superintendent of Police (City) Ajay Pal Sharma said the Delhi Police constable, identified as Balraj, along with his friends, took out a procession on the victory of a candidate in Uttar Pradesh Panchayat poll despite a ban on celebrations and victory procession by the district administration.
Police said Balraj and his friends, in an inebriated state, barged into the house of one Surendra Prajapati and thrashed him for not supporting their candidate who had won the election.
Since then, he had been evading arrest. After getting a tip-off, a police team, led by Sahibabad police station SHO Hari Dayal Singh Yadav, arrested Balraj today morning when he was on his way to Delhi.
While he was being brought to Teela-Modh police post a mob of locals gathered and pelted stones at policemen. Police retaliated and also resorted to lathicharge to disperse the mob.
Three persons Saurabh, Pradeep and Abhay have also been arrested for rioting.
Police post in-charge Radhey Shyam and constable Rahul suffered injuries in stone-pelting and were rushed to district hospital, the police officer added.