Special Cell of Delhi Police filed its charge sheet before Additional Sessions Judge Bharat Parashar against 72-year-old Tunda saying it would further "clarify" the prosecution's case regarding charges slapped under stringent Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA).
The special cell said that the other five co-accused, who faced trial in the case earlier, were acquitted by a trial court in December 1999 for the alleged offences under TADA Act on "tactical grounds".
"It clearly shows that accused persons who faced the trial were acquitted on tactical grounds from charges under section 3/4 TADA Act. No lapse in the investigation was observed in this manner.
"At the time of according of acquittal, designated court kept the case of accused Abdul Karim alias Tunda out of preview of appreciation of the evidence brought against those five accused who faced the trial," the charge sheet said.
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The court has now fixed the matter for further hearing on April 22.
"ACP (investigating officer) has filed fresh supplementary charge sheet stating that it further clarify the case...Put up for scrutiny of documents and consideration of charge on April 22," the judge said.
During the hearing, the court also allowed Tunda to talk to his Pakistan-based son on phone after advocate M S Khan, who appeared for the accused, moved a plea seeking permission for it.