Union External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj handed the Certificate of Recognition at Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan on the occasion of Passport Seva Divas.
For the year 2014-2015, Delhi police was awarded as one among the three states of India for its high level of service, commitment and contribution to good governance by way of speedy verification of passport applicants, Delhi Police said.
The certificate was received by Delhi Police's Special Commissioner (Intelligence) Balaji Srivastava.
The Special Branch of Delhi Police conducts field enquiries with regard to the passport applications based on online passport verification software, it said.
Subsequently, field enquiry is conducted through domiciliary visit and thereafter the verification reports are uploaded online, only after verifying the criminal records of the applicants, if any.
The time limit fixed by the Regional Passport Officer (RPO) to send the verification report is 20 days. However, the enquiry officers of Special Branch conduct the verification on an average of 15 to 16 days, the police said.