With the DFS report having come, Delhi Police's SIT that is probing the mysterious death of Pushkar, wife of senior Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, will again press Twitter, Facebook and Blackberry to share data related to her social media accounts and the people with whom she was in contact over them.
On January 20, the Delhi Police had handed over two laptops and four mobile phones to Gujarat DFS to retrieve the data.
"One week back we had received these equipments and reports, now we are analyzing the data. It is volumes of data and it will take time to analyse it," he added.
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"We will ask Twitter, FB and Blackberry to expedite the process and provide us the information that we had sought from them. We will analyse the deleted information and see whather it was deleted as a routine process or it was done with a malafide intention," said Bassi.
Delhi Police is also waiting for US' FBI to send their report on the kind of poison which caused Pushkar's death.
Investigators had sent the viscera samples to the US after AIIMS doctors had said that Indian labs lacked facility to identify the poison which caused her death.
A day before Pushkar was found dead in a luxury hotel here in January last year, she apparently had a spat with Tarar on microblogging website Twitter over the latter's alleged affair with Tharoor.
Tharoor was questioned by the investigators thrice last month that was focussed on the IPL controversy, which broke in early 2010 when he was the Minister of State for External Affairs.