However, a similar initiative launched in the form of Himmat WhatsApp and Hike group number 8800001091 where women can send photos of autorickshaws and taxis before boarding them, has been flooded with obscene photographs and videos.
Police has now decided to prosecute people who will send such content on the number.
"We are going to prosecute all those people from whose numbers we have received such videos and photos. However, there is also a very encouraging engagement with citizens on these groups with more than 11,000 messages received on various issues which have been responded too," said a senior police official.
"Till today, we have received more than 2,000 SOS alerts from the public. About 1,500 such calls have been received from Delhi, about 200 from the NCR region and about 600 from other parts of the country, and about 8 from abroad," he said.
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The Himmat App for Android and Apple phones is one of the 6 avenues available to women in the city to get immediate help when in distress. Police Assistance - 100, Women helpline - 1091, Anti-obscene helpline- 1096, Himmat SOS app, Himmat WhatsApp and Hike groups and CM Helpline-181, he added.
The highest number of calls - 51,732 were received on anti-obscene helpline in 2014, a total of 72,930 calls of various kinds have been received in the Police Control Room from women through all the above lines.