Launching the portal, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said people can register their complaints against private schools pertaining to fee hike and others issues at www.Doepvt.Delhi.Gov.In, and within 15 days, grievances will be resolved by district eduction officers concerned.
The Link for the portal will also be available on the DOE website www.Edudel.Nic.In.
The government earlier received several complaints from people against private schools. They used to file complaints at different platforms including district, education offices, Sisodia, who also holds education portfolio, said.
To register a complaint, one has to mention his/her name and mobile number after opening 'Grievance Redressal & Monitoring System' in the website. Then the complainant can write the grievance in the given box and upload documents.
"A list of all recognised unaided private schools with locality name has been made available. After registration of the complaint, the complainant will receive an SMS on their registered mobile number, having a unique grievance ID. The complaint will automatically be forwarded to deputy director education (district) concerned," a senior official said.