The principal secretary of power department Arun Goyal also directed power discoms to instruct their call centre officials to register complaints by recording the consumer's mobile number or residence address instead of asking his/her electricity meter number.
"Aggrieved consumers can call on the call centre numbers of their respective discoms to register their complaints.
"The distribution companies have installed sufficient number of parallel connections on their call centre numbers so that there is no waiting time for any consumer to lodge complaint of outage to power supply," Goyal said.
Consumers of BSES Yamuna Power Limited can call on 39999808 and there are 90 parallel connections to the number.
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Consumers of Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited can call on 66404040 and it also has installed 90 parallel connections to the number.
In addition, the consumers can also register their complaints through interactive voice response system (IVRS) on above call centre numbers if his or her contact number is registered with the discoms.
"If the consumers are not satisfied with the resolution of their complaints by the discoms they can approach Public Grievances Cell of Department of Power at their call centre Toll Free number 1800112222 at any time," Goyal said.