The force, which already has a strong social media presence with around two lakh followers of Facebook, has started this WhatsApp helpline number 8750871493 in a bid to further connect with the citizens.
"Delhi Traffic Police is happy to connect with Delhiites on WhatsApp. If you want to complain about any traffic violation, unauthorised parking, overcharging/refusal/misbehaviour by auto/taxi, faulty traffic signals, or any other issue related to traffic problem, you may send photograph or short video clip with details such as your name, place, date, time etc. On mobile number 8750871493 through WhatsApp," said Special Commissioner of Police (Traffic) Muktesh Chander.
Helpline has been launched with an aim to encourage citizen to report traffic related violations and any illegal activities with ease.
The Traffic Police had recently asked Delhiites to come forward and complain about illegal parking in the city through their Facebook page and traffic helpline numbers 1095 in order to curb the menace of 'parking mafia'. The launching of a WhatsApp helpline is seen as a step forward in this direction.
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Delhi Police has been making concentrated efforts of late to utilize the potential of WhatsApp, the popular messaging app to reach out to the citizens and also for effective communication among themselves.
On August 28, a circular was issued by the top brass of the force asking all the officials from Chowki in-charge to Joint Commissioners, to use the app to connect with the general public apart from themselves.