"Our government does not want to release secret Netaji records for reasons of national security, but in national interest all these should be declassified and it is the demand of most of Netaji's extended family members," Anuj Dhar, a key member of NGO, Mission Netaji told PTI here.
Dhar, who has written 'Back from Dead: Inside the Subhas Bose Mystery' and 'India's Biggest Cover-up', said the US faced a similar situation over the controversy surrounding assassination of John F Kennedy.
"The 30 years of government secrecy relating to the assassination led the Americans to believe that their government had something to hide ... Under the JFK Records Act of 1992, all records were made public and the controversy was rested to the extent possible," Dhar said.
Dhar said that time had come for India to take similar steps to declassify all files and documents concerning Netaji in the face of 'crying public demand'.