The matter came up before Additional Sessions Judge Prashant Kumar, who took charge of the court today, and listed it for the next date for consideration on the issue of taking cognisance of the charge sheet filed through Special Public Prosecutor Vikas Garg, who appeared for ED.
This is the first charge sheet, called prosecution complaint by the probe agency, in money laundering cases resulting from demonetisation against officials of an Axis bank branch here and others.
ED has filed a charge sheet in the case, running into over 750 pages, detailing the alleged roles of the three arrested accused. It has also cited 22 witnesses and said the investigation in the case is still going on and it will file a supplementary charge sheet later on.
According to sources, ED said in its charge sheet that the probe has found that Gupta, Sinha and Kushwaha have allegedly generated properties out of the proceeds of crime and sought the court's direction to confiscate those assets.
Gupta and Sinha were arrested by ED on December 4, 2016 and later on suspended by the bank. Subsequently, Kushwaha was also apprehended.
ED had earlier allegedly before the court that the two bank officials, in connivance with others, had indulged in illegally changing demonetised currency into new notes.