Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday raised questions over the functioning of the police, saying that despite being around the people, they do not appear close to them.
"It happens so often that despite being around the public, the police do not appear to be with and close to the people. This raises a question mark over the functioning of the police," said Chief Minister Adityanath, while Addressing the valedictory function of 47th All India Police Science Congress-2019 here.
In his address, the chief minister also emphasised upon the need for police to closely associate themselves with the people through community policing, saying it can serve as a great source of intelligence.
"The criminal activities today have acquired international ramifications rather than staying limited to the local or inter-state level," said the chief minister, citing the example of cyber crimes, in which, he said, "shocking facts are emerging".
"We have to make efforts to win the trust of the masses and involve them in community policing. People should have the confidence in police uniform while the criminals should have the fear of the uniform," he said.
On the occasion, he also sought to encourage to use technology in policing, saying, "We can address the biggest problem by using technology."
Speaking on the Supreme Court's Ayodhya verdict, he said, "There was peace and harmony in the state. This presented a new example before the country and world."