The stock gained 6.45 per cent to end at Rs 288.05 on BSE. During the day, it jumped 6.96 per cent to Rs 289.45.
On NSE, shares of the company went up by 6.41 per cent to close at Rs 288.
The company's market valuation moved up by Rs 546.59 crore to Rs 9,019.59 crore.
In terms of volume, 11.67 lakh shares of the company were traded on BSE and over one crore shares changed hands on NSE during the day.
The company's net profit was Rs 185.90 crore in the corresponding period of the last fiscal.
Total income increased to Rs 2,366.53 crore from Rs 1,885.32 crore in the same period last fiscal, DHFL said in a statement.