It has recommended that airports near Delhi like Jaipur, Lucknow and Amritsar, should be upgraded to Category-IIIB level of Instrument Landing System, which has a runway visibility range of 150 feet or almost near-zero visibility condition. CAT IIIB is operational at the IGI Airport here.
A total of 289 flight diversions were caused due to fog in the last three winters from Delhi airport -- 57 in 2011, 89 in 2012 and 143 in 2013.
The committee, set up in January and headed by DGCA Joint Director General Lalit Gupta, also recommended that all airlines would have to annually provide details on how many of their aircraft were equipped to operate under CAT-IIIB situations and crew members trained to fly in such conditions, officials said.
The airlines, during the fog period, would have to indicate their take-off and landing minima, which includes details of the equipment and navigational aids they intend to use and alternate airports they plan to operate in case the fog situation worsens to less than CAT-IIIB visibility.
The committee suggested amending rules (Aeronautical Information Publication or AIP) to indicate that the term 'fuel emergency' would not be recognised at Indian aerodromes, an alibi often used by pilots to get an early landing slot.