A CBI spokesperson said here today that a charge-sheet has been filed in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Hooghly (West Bengal), against seven police officials, including two Sub Inspectors, three Assistant Sub Inspectors and two Constables, all of Dhaniakhali Police Station then for allegedly causing the death of Kazi Nasiruddin by negligence earlier this year.
It is alleged that Nasiruddin, a Trinamool Congress worker, had been picked up by officers of Dhaniakhali police station on January 18 from near his house in connection with a petty case regarding registration papers of his newly-bought small transport vehicle.
At the hospital, the doctors declared Nasiruddin brought dead. His family has alleged that he was killed by the policemen and the investigation was done in a shoddy manner following which the matter was referred to CBI by the Calcutta High Court.
The CBI spokesperson said the charge-sheet has charged the policemen with culpable homicide not amounting to murder among other charges under the Indian Penal Code.