The NCD issue of face value of Rs 1,000 each with a base issue size of Rs 2,000 crore and an option to retain oversubscription of up to Rs 8,000 crore aggregating up to Rs 10,000 crore opens on August 29, DHFL said in a statement.
With the government taking several steps to grant housing finance companies better supply of funds for the low-cost housing sector, the company is tapping various funding sources innovatively at optimal cost, DHFL Chairman and Managing Director Kapil Wadhawan said.
The follow-on secured NCD Issue has a new issue structure with also the 7-year tenor with annual frequency of interest payment, he said, adding, interest rate on proposed NCDs varies between 9.05 per cent to 9.25 per cent.
Retail individual investors and High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) have a combined allocation ratio of 60 per cent, it said.