"Tamil Nadu legislators, who are camping at the resort, situated in between Kushalnagar and Sunticopa, have lodged a complaint for alleged harrassment by the neighbouring state police," Kodagu Superintendent of Police P Rajendra Prasad told PTI.
The legislators have also sought security from being 'harassed' by Tamil Nadu police, Prasad said.
A team of Tamil Nadu police had visited the resort to question AIADMK MLA Palaniyappan with regard to a crime, he said.
Meanwhile, AIADMK Karnataka unit Secretary Va Puagazhendi alleged that the MLAs were being offered monetary inducements to switch sides and are being 'harassed' by the Palaniswami faction.
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He said the MLAs had made it clear to Tamil Nadu police which visited the resort yesterday, that they were camping there on their own volition and not under duress.
Puagazhendi said the MLAs in their complaint to police had sought "necessary steps" to prevent their harassment and added that, if necessary, they would move court.
Police had visited the resort in search of Palaniappan after the AIADMK General Council meeting yesterday had removed the imprisoned Sasikala from her post of Interim General Secretary and declared all appointments made by her invalid.
Sasikala is lodged in Parapana Agragara Central Prison inBengaluru since February after the Supreme Court had convictedher and two others, including her relative Elavarasi in a disproportionateassets case.