Senior Kolkata Police officials along with forensic experts today visited the house and seized several diaries and paper notes, purportedly written by Debjani De, from the second floor of the house where the charred body of house-owner Arabindo De and three skeletons were found last Wednesday.
DC-south Murlidhar Sharma, along with other senior officials and forensic experts visited the spot.
"Many things have been recovered from the house on Robinson Street today. We are analysing the content. They may render help in our investigation," Sharma said.
A team of doctors today examined the house-owner's 45-year-old son and sole living family member Partho De, who had been living with the skeleton of his sister and those of two dogs for the past six months in his home.
Though Partho appeared to be "very normal" today, doctors in the team did not allow the police to talk to him, sources in the hospital said.
"We have kept him under observation. His (Partho's) condition has improved a lot today. He appeared to be very normal. He has taken the prescribed medicine and ate properly," Ganesh Prasad, superintendent of the hospital, said.