Barcelona-based Indian actor Ajay Jethi, who played a Pakistan-based hacker in Spanish drama "Money Heist", says he got know about the global popularity of the Netflix show when people started following and messaging him on social media.
Jethi says his life has taken a complete turn after the fourth season of the show dropped on April 4 with people reaching out to him but the most special call was from his father, who was initially against his acting career.
"I didn't know the series is famous worldwide, I thought it's popular only in Spain. People were praising the show on social media, I received messages from on Instagram, there was a hashtag about my character Shakir. That's when I realised the popularity is on different level, Jethi told PTI in an interview.
Jethi, 39, is not new to acting, having played supportive roles in over 20 Spanish movies and TV shows, besides roles in a few Punjabi movies but this one clicked in a big big way.
"One never knows when you will receive recognition and fame, this is my moment. It is a happy and emotional moment, he said, adding, "the struggle will continue but I have an added responsibility to do my best. An artiste always works for recognition of his work. This seems like my turning point."
"When the local Indian and Pakistani distributor community here came to know that I am working on the show, they told me they want to talk to 'the Professor' (Alvaro Morte). I realised that there is a craze for this series even among our people. I wasn't aware that it is coming out as Money Heist' in dubbed English version."