The minister said the Trai's order on differential pricing for data services has enhanced India's image in the Net community world over and established its maturity.
"We are expanding digital India into nook and corner of the country, and taking extraordinary steps to empower the people through technology, to create a knowledge economy. The very concept of differential pricing on data, whether it is Free Basics or any other mode, is plainly not acceptable," Prasad told PTI.
Ruling against discriminatory pricing for different data platforms or content, Trai said operators cannot enter into pacts with Internet companies to subsidise access to some websites.
The move dealt a blow to Facebook's plans to offer Free Basics service that allows free access to certain websites in partnership with a telecom operator. Zero tariff plans of other operators like Airtel would also be impacted.
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"The view of our government from the beginning has been very clear, which I have also articulated in Parliament, that is Internet is one of the finest creations of human mind and it should not become the monopoly of few," Prasad said.
Facebook had launched an aggressive campaign to defend its Free Basics platform and argued that zero-rating plans can lead to increase in Internet adoption at no cost to the government, the content provider or consumers.