CBI, which was handed over the probe into the sensational murder of DySP Zia-ul-Haq and two others, has set up a camp office at the Panchayat Bhawan at Kunda and appealed to people to come forward and provide information to its sleuths as the agency feels that pressure among the villagers to keep quiet was too high.
Unable to get even a single witness, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has circulated a telephone number 05341-230006 and an email 'spscu1del@cbi.Gov.In', asking people to provide information about the murder of Haq and two others--village head Nanhe Yadav and his brother Suresh Yadav --on March two.
The agency has promised to keep the identity of the informant secret, if so desired.
"CBI re-assures that no citizen would face any harassment during the aforesaid investigations and appeals to residents, some of whom seem to have made themselves unavailable, to return to their homes and assist CBI in a fair probe," an agency spokesperson said.