Mizoram government on Thursday informed the NITI Aayog that the state might not be able to organise celebrations of Digidhan Mela (Digital India Day) on April 14 as the day coincides with Good Friday.
Chief Secretary Lalmalsawma, in a letter to Amitabh Kant, Chief Executive Officer of the NITI Aayog indicated that the Christian-dominated state of Mizoram would not celebrate the Digidhan Mela on Friday.
Meanwhile, the ruling Mizoram Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) today slammed the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre for selecting Good Friday, one of the most sacred days of the Christians as Digital India Day.
"The BJP government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Centre had earlier appointed Christmas Day as Good Governance Day which was an insult to the religious sentiments of the Christians," a press statement issued by the MPCC said.
Chief Secretary Lalmalsawma, in a letter to Amitabh Kant, Chief Executive Officer of the NITI Aayog indicated that the Christian-dominated state of Mizoram would not celebrate the Digidhan Mela on Friday.
Meanwhile, the ruling Mizoram Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) today slammed the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre for selecting Good Friday, one of the most sacred days of the Christians as Digital India Day.
"The BJP government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Centre had earlier appointed Christmas Day as Good Governance Day which was an insult to the religious sentiments of the Christians," a press statement issued by the MPCC said.