Oxford Achiever, which caters to students of class I-VIII, was launched here today. Achiever aims to strengthen English language skills through practice and remediation in six core learning areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary.
This diagnostic tool has been successfully used in Hong Kong. It has been successfully pilot-tested by OUP India in schools from different regions and the feedback from students and teachers has been positive, according to OUP.
Oxford Achiever comprises 36 progressive levels of learning and assessment; placement tests for each class which automatically allocate the appropriate level in each skill for each student; objective-specific practice exercises that are finely graded into levels; immediate post-practice remediation and practice drills; practice reports and progress charts for students; and comprehensive reports for teachers to keep track of students' progress and performance.
It is a total e-learning solution for effective web-based teaching and learning and is characterised by effective knowledge building and management; immersive self-learning experiences; meaningful assessments for better learning outcomes; and closing the gap in learner abilities.
Teachers and parents can also keep a tab on the children's progress.
While a broad range of web-enabled features provide teachers with all-time access to individual and overall assessment results and performance analyses, enabling them to take the role of a well-informed facilitator of learning; the tool also provides parents real-time updates on the progress of their children and enables them to assess their strengths and weaknesses.