75-year-old Dikshit lost her bid for a fourth term as Delhi's Chief Minister with Congress only bagging eight seats in the 70-member assembly, way behind BJP's 31 and newcomer Aam Admi Party's (AAP) 28. Her own defeat at the hands of AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal by a whopping 25,000 votes was an additional shock.
Has defeat, both of the party and her own sunk in?, Dikshit was asked during an interview with PTI.
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In a philosophical vein, she responded by saying that "in a democratic set up there is nothing beyond the people. So, they have taken a decision."
What worries her a lot is the fact that the people's verdict in Delhi is fractured with no party in a position to form the government raising the likelihood of a spell of President's rule followed by fresh elections.
"I was so certain that Delhi people will be sensible and will not go in for instability and bad governance. But it has happened," she said.