Currency Buying Selling
US dlr 60.80/60.76 61.64/61.76
Gbp 97.58/97.52 99.55/99.74
Can dlr 53.92/53.89 55.16/55.27
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Euro 76.91/76.86 78.59/78.74
Jap yen 56.07/56.04 57.28/57.39
Swis fr 63.66/63.62 65.23/65.35
Danish kr 10.31/10.30 10.59/10.61
Nor kr 9.19/9.19 9.44/9.46
Swed kr 8.36/8.36 8.58/8.60
Aud 53.35/53.32 54.55/54.66
Nzd 47.58/47.54 48.85/48.94
Sing dlr 47.50/47.47 48.54/48.63
Hk dlr 7.83/7.83 7.95/7.97
In buying and sell the first rate is for TT and the next is for bill.
*(100 units of foreign currency. All other currencies in units of one).