V K Bhawra told the Commission that the accused had written derogatory letters with fabricated posters of Sri Guru Ravidas and posted the letters to 14-15 households, an official release issued here said.
Police said it was case of personal enmity between the accused and another group. The release did not give details, including name, of the accused.
Commission Chairman Rajesh Bagha directed the police to book the culprit under sedition charges, saying such "anti-social" elements are generally acting to derail the hard earned peace and harmony in the state.
On March 4, the Punjab state SC Commission had taken a suo motto notice of the "malicious campaign" being allegedly carried over social networking site against 14th century-born Guru Ravidas.
Considering the "seriousness" of the issue, the Commission had summoned Additional Director General of Police (ADGP crime) for personal hearing in this regard.
The Sikh guru's devotional songs are a part of the Sikh scriptures, including the Guru Granth Sahib.