The NIC, software solution provider of the government, has refused to part with the information to these questions on the grounds it may have "security implications".
The response which does not cite any exemption clauses given in the transparency law, mandatory while withholding the information sought under the RTI Act, says the reply is based on the input received from the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)-IN.
"Based on the input from CERT.IN, it is seen that there may be security implications in sharing the information. Thus the same may not be shared," the response from CPIO of National Informatics Centre Swarup Dutta said.
The NIC was also asked to provide the names of the officers who used the IP address at the time of content of Wikipedia being edited. The applicant had also sought to know if any inquiry was initiated in the matter.
Surprisingly, the NIC did not cite any of the 10 subsections of Section eight of the Right to Information Act for withholding information which is mandatory under the Act.