The police recovered diamond, gold and silver jewellery items, worth around Rs 60 lakh and Rs 4.82 lakh cash from the possession of Narinder Kumar (40), the dismissed Army man and his accomplice Sandip Kumar (35), police said today.
Both of them originally hailed from Haryana and were residing at Zirakpur currently.
Apart from cash and jewellery items, the police also recovered a digital camera, tools to break locks and shutters, rods and two sickles from their possession.
Sandip Kumar was a hardcore criminal, against whom at least 11 cases of burglaries in Panchkula, five such cases at Dehradun and three cases at Bikaner (Rajasthan) have already been registered.
In Mohali district, as many as three such cases have been registered against them at Mataur police station, five at Phase 8 police station, three at Kharar Sadar police station, nine at Kharar City police station, two at Phase 11 police station and one each at police stations at Sohana, Dera Bassi and Phase 1.