The development came a day after Water Minister Kapil Mishra wrote to Lt Governor Najeeb Jung alleging that "accused" (former Delhi CM Sheila Dikshit) was being given an opportunity to question the DJB panel that found the alleged irregularities.
In his letter to Meena, the BJP leader said, "The ACB has called the Chairman of the fact-finding committee J C Atal and the auditors Mohd Idris, Gauri Shankar and Ashok Kumar from July 11-15 for questioning.
The fact-finding committee, constituted by the AAP government, had found alleged irregularities in procuring water tanker scam which caused a loss of Rs 400 to the exchequer during the Dikshit government.
Mishra, in a letter to LG, had yesterday alleged a "collusion" between the LG and Dikshit saying it was "unfortunate" that the "accused" was being given an opportunity to question the panel that found the alleged irregularities, instead of "being interrogated".